
I hate Linkedin. Here's my private feed, ordered from most to least recent.

[21/02/2025] Cloud Native Mauritius Casual Meetup

We had a fun "old-school" meetup with some 8 people from Cloud Native Mauritius. Was a lot of fun without a formal structure or sponsor, and all the emails being thrown around to organise venues. It was held at Flying Dodo as from 6:30. I had a lot of nice conversations about cloud native stuff, and the tech community in general.

[18/02/2025] Safer Internet Day @ CSE

I'm honoured to have been invited back to my college to talk on staying safe online. I'm happy to have met Avinash Meetoo as well, who spoke on VPNs, and firewalls, and how they keep you safe.
I talked about how everyone is out to get your personal data, your digital profile, and how it's used for nefarious purposes. Between Windows and Android spying on you, to Google keeping your browsing data, and your ISP likely tracking your browsing history, is it even possible to stay safe online?


[08/02/2025] MSCC Meetup - Open Source Hacking Tools

Shelly contacted me on the eve, as one of the speakers had dropped out for medical reasons, asking if I could fill in. Naturally, I was more than happy to talk about cool hacking tools like the Flipper Zero which have made hacking accessible to more people, with the only boundary being $200.
However, my talk then pivoted to open source/hardware hacking tools, such as the T-Embed CC1101 which is built using off-the-shelf hardware and for which the firmware is found over on GitHub.
Are you or your organisation safe from these nifty little devices?

[30/11/2024] Frontend Meetup At The Beach, Featuring Kubernetes

I had the pleasure of continuing the tradition of hosting the Frontend.mu website on my Kubernetes cluster running at home. Through a VPN, I accessed my cluster, and walked these frontend people through the "complicated" yaml files, and the mystery of containers. Along the way, I had the opportunity to show everyone some real time troubleshooting with `kubectl log` and `describe`.
Very fun opportunity, I'm looking forward to doing it again next year!

[12/10/2024] MSCC Meetup - Open Source

I made arguments on "owning your data" at the MSCC meetup hosted by Astek. Between unethical AI, overzealous monopolies, and incessant corporate greed, you may be better off self-hosting and controlling your data rather than handing it off to some other conglomerate under a EULA you didn't read.

Is Kubernetes Straightforward? I try to answer that question.

[31/08/2024] Cloud Native Meetup - First Steps

I had the pleasure, alongside Ish, to organise the very first meetup of the local Cloud Native chapter! Hosted at Swan, my employers at the time, this meetup went from Docker to Cloud Deployments in the context of Cloud Native.

You can read more about this awesome first meetup here!

[18-20/07/2024] DevCon 2024

DevCon is my favourite event of the year, and there's more to say about it than I can fit as a post here. This year, I was part of the Squad, helped throughout the conference, and presented a total of 3 times, in one lightning talk, one presentation, and a workshop!
The full story is here!

[05/2024 - 09/2024] Internship @ SWAN in Software Development

Between Python, C# + .NET, ReactJS, and more, I am over the moon at having spend around 5 months at SWAN. Despite not considering myself a "developer" and more a Devops/Sysadmin person, it was an unforgettable experience and I can't express how much I appreciate the amazing team I got to work with.
Thank you Daven, as well as Ludmilla and Hans. Swan wouldn't have been the same without you 😊

Wow my hair was so short.

[19/03/2024] KubeCon EU

Through a series of very unexpected coincidences, I was able to fly all the way to Paris for KubeCon & CloudNativeCon EU! It was an amazing experience bigger than anything I had experienced before, and I got to meet a lot of amazing people and learn a lot of really cool things about the world of Cloud Native. You can read about my KubeCon experience in full over here!

[24/11/23] Frontend Meetup Beach Edition

This was the first Frontend meetup I had the pleasure to be invited to. Thanks a lot Sandeep for trusting in me to make a decent presentation about Kubernetes for the Frontend people. While bridging the chasm between my world and that of these people, I showed off some cool features which make K8S interesting to developers, and the topped it off by ssh-ing to my homelab, through a VPN, and deploying the frontend.mu website on my K3S cluster of SBCs.

[10-11/23] HSC/A Level Exams

I'm just adding this for completeness. In October/November 2024, I finally sat for my HSC/A Level exams. The subjects I had chosen were Maths, Physics, Computer Science as main, with GP and Biology as subsidiary.
I'm thrilled to say that I managed extraordinarily, especially considering all the stuff I did during my last year, including but not limited to skipping classes to work on slides and personal projects. With A* in Maths, A in Physics, and A* in CS, with a in both GP and Biology, I also scored the 176th place out of all students in all categories (science, business, art) in all of Mauritius.

[20/07/2023] DevCon 2023

This was possibly the most significant DevCon for me. It was the first time I presented, talking about Kubernetes, and more specifically Kubernetes on Single Board Computers. I attended this DevCon during the second term holidays of my HSC year at school, and I'm glad to have attended, as I got the opportunity to meet a lot of my friends, and make new ones.