Monitoring, Upgraded

A long time ago (like 2 years) I had installed node exporter, prometheus, and grafana on my K3S cluster. This was useful to visualise resource usage in all my nodes, and served as a constant reminder of how underpowered the control plane was. With my new cluster having run for…

Rebuilding My Homelab

Previously, I talked about the structure of my homelab, particularly with regards to the K3S cluster I was running on Pine64 SoPine compute modules, running impressive 1GHz quad-core ARM CPUs with 2GB DDR3. Unfortunately, that part of my homelab met a rather sudden dead-end a couple of weeks ago. I…

Running my Docker Registry

This article is a narration of me finally crossing another thing off my to-do list. A Docker Registry is quite similar to a Git Server - it's useful to store and version Docker images. You are probably familiar with DockerHub, which is one of the most used registries out there.…

Intro To My Homelab

There are very few things which will keep me talking for hours on end, and sadly the character limit on Twitter keeps me from flooding your feed with my stuff (oh the tragedy). However, here, I get to narrate everything I could ever want to about my homelab! Well, the…

Hosting Ghost on K8S

That's it, I've been bitten, or rather possessed, by Ghost. And for good reason! I was previously hosting my personal blog on Github using their "Pages" service. Due to my own lack of judgement, I wasn't using a static site generator so every page still there is "hand-made" HTML. Story…