Your ISP, internet service provider, is the company you pay in order to have an internet connection, be it at home or in the office. The most used ISP in Mauritius, if I'm not mistaken, is Mauritius Telecom (MyT). Following several allegations made by the former CEO of MyT concerning…
Hello! Welcome to my blogpost for this year's DevCon. For those who have not read my previous blog on DevCon and don't know that DevCon even is, let me elaborate. DevCon, or rather Developer's Conference is a massive annual event for the developer or tech community here in Mauritius, organised…
There are very few things which will keep me talking for hours on end, and sadly the character limit on Twitter keeps me from flooding your feed with my stuff (oh the tragedy). However, here, I get to narrate everything I could ever want to about my homelab! Well, the…
That's it, I've been bitten, or rather possessed, by Ghost. And for good reason! I was previously hosting my personal blog on Github using their "Pages" service. Due to my own lack of judgement, I wasn't using a static site generator so every page still there is "hand-made" HTML. Story…
Minecraft and the Discovery of the Vulnerability
“Minecraft” and “worst internet vulnerability of the century” are hardly things you would expect to hear in the same sentence. However, everything changed on the 24th November 2021 when it was discovered by a team of Security Researchers at Alibaba.
This vulnerability was…