End To End Encrypted. But...

The FBI and other 3 letter agencies are known for spying on people, often with questionably methods or without due process. This has been facilitated by the US counter-terrorism acts post 9/11 which gave law enforcement much greater visibility into the lives of US citizens*. That is why the…

#!@$ You Nvidia

Here's how I got nvidia to cooperate on my desktop. Arch Linux; Ryzen 7 2700xt; GTX1650 1. yay nvidia-550xx-dkms 2. yay nvidia-550xx-utils 3. yay lib32-nvidia-550xx-utils 4. yay opencl-nvidia-550xx 5. yay lib32-opencl-nvidia-550xx Drivers 555 -> 565.57 are all broken for the GTX1650 as there is no display output from the…

"Bad Guys"

I find Bad Guys fascinating. Particularly their portrayal in media. You see, I watched Andor a while ago, and, as laughable as it may sound, that series was a major factor in shaping my politics and, to a certain degree, my outlook on the world today. I have a small…

Fixing OpenSUSE

I fixed my dad's OpenSUSE tumbleweed install last night. It was interesting enough that I figure I can write a short story on it. Disclaimer: This blogpost has a few malpractices, such as hoping an update will fix broken packages and not doing a backup before messing with the operating…

How To Use TOR

TOR is cool. TOR stands for The Onion Router. I assume Onion refers to the layers used to protect users and servers from censorship and surveillance, not dissimilar to the layers of an onion. TOR is the means of accessing everything outside of the surface web, particularly the spooky dark…