#!@$ You Nvidia

Here's how I got nvidia to cooperate on my desktop.

Arch Linux; Ryzen 7 2700xt; GTX1650

  1. yay nvidia-550xx-dkms
  2. yay nvidia-550xx-utils
  3. yay lib32-nvidia-550xx-utils
  4. yay opencl-nvidia-550xx
  5. yay lib32-opencl-nvidia-550xx

Drivers 555 -> 565.57 are all broken for the GTX1650 as there is no display output from the DVI port. 565.57 is the latest at the time of writing. 565.77 promises to fix this but the beta nvidia drivers I tried had more issues.

If games don't run in Steam, may I recommend checking for Steam updates, that might have made a difference for me. I use the flatpak Steam version. An interesting issue produced from CS2 when run from Steam is the following in dmesg:

cs2[7271]: segfault at 27f ip 0000776ed877bfd1 sp 00007ffc24b9ed80 error 4 in librendersystemvulkan.so[17bfd1,776ed86a1000+2ca000] likely on CPU 15 (core 7, socket 0)

If this was somewhat helpful, you now owe me your soul instead of Nvidia.

If you need more info on my setup and other packages I may or may not have installed, please do so with t.me/alexbissessur